Sinnamon Village Aged Care Facility for Wesley Mission Brisbane.



Wesley Hospital, QLD

Six distinct buildings were constructed as part of the project, each comprising of four levels and containing 36 suites. Podium level building services and medical areas such as staff areas, laundry, store rooms, plant areas and a loading dock were also included in the scope, along with extensive landscaping to the podium and undercroft areas.

As part of the project, the FKG Group team cleared the site and demolished two existing structures of the facility in preparation for the new village. Stage 1 also involved the construction of a two level car park with upper and lower access roads.

As the new buildings were developed on a sloped site, environmental sustainability was a key project priority. Throughout construction, processes were implemented to protect the trees and fauna, and management plans were established for sediment and erosion control for the creek located at the bottom of the site. Due to the sites sloping nature, substation retention and slope stability works were also required throughout the project.


  • WINNER Community Accommodation for Aged Care and Nursing Homes (Brisbane) – MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION